DATES for your DIARY 


Some of the events being planned for this year,
but there will be more.... so watch this space!       

Fredags Fika: 11:e Oktober. 1:a November, 6:e December

Trädgards Fika med böcker - Garden Party with Books - 26 October 9.00-12.00

Julmarknad/Christmas Market - 24 November

Lucia - 14 December


Join the Swedish Club - Membership and Bookings,

and see below under Membership 


SCWA Styrelsen - Committee 2024-2025

Patron: Maud Edmiston, 

President Linda Pattullo, Treasurer: Barbro Dowding, 

Secretary: TBA 

Committee: Mikael Artursson, Susanne Cederlund, Eva Cronstedt, Kalle Johansson, 

Martin Lundblad, Susanne Ottosson, Matthew Shields

The Swedish Club’s mission is to offer the chance to celebrate Swedish holidays and culture, on the other side of the globe. We offer opportunities for you and your family to speak Swedish, go to yabby parties, celebrate Lucia, National Day and midsummer, enjoy a Christmas market, plus much more. If you have recently arrived from Sweden we can help you settle in. 

There are many reasons to join the Swedish Club, and we hope you join today!

Swedish Clun of WA Members


SCWA celebrated 50 years year in 2023. Members can enjoy many benefits, free and reduced fee events. Members can see details of these events and sign up to attend. We hope you will join us!

Your membership makes a difference, keeping this unique club alive and supporting the Swedish community in Perth, keeping the language alive and upholding Swedish traditions.

To join or renew please click on the button below. Fees are $30 for single and $50 for families and are valid until the last day of June.  Renewable by 1st July each year. 


Join the committee! Working on the committee is rewarding and fun - and of course, it also carries responsibility. Over the past 50 years committees have served the Swedish community well and we thank them for commitment and dedication.

Expectations of committee members:

The reward:

Respect, admiration and gratitude! 



A typical year includes traditional events. 

Kräftskiva with Aussie yabbies


Gudstjänst with the Swedish Church

National Day celebrations with announcement of Swede of the Year

Midsummer celebrations 

AGM with ärtsoppa and punsch

Julmarknad - Swedish Christmas market

Lucia Festival with Swedish School

Sign up to our mailing list to be notified on exact dates and locations for future events.

Svenska Skolan i Perth

Svenska Skolan i Perth har lektioner på lördagar kl 14.30-16.30 på Trinity College i East Perth.

För mer information maila på:

Swedish School in Perth

The Swedish School in Perth holds lessons on Saturdays from 2.30pm to 4.30pm at Trinity College in East Perth

For further information email us at: or go to

The objects of Swedish Club of WA are to:


      Maud Edmiston    


Derek Bond       

Cecilia Hoffner                

Rune Hoffner                  

John Parin

Claus Paulus                     

Gaida Petravis                

Peter Stickler

Gun Sundvall                

Marianne Viebke

Tom Wall               

Rita Walton                  

Lennart Westerlund

Håkan Wihlborg


Ordförande I Svenska Skolan

2003-2010     Håkan Wihlborg

2010-2017     Charlotta Byrne

2017-2021      Helena Dunlop

2021-2023       Christian Trulsson

2024 Mikael Artursson

Årets Svensk - Swede of the Year

2001        Bengt Thaung       

2002        Veronica Strömberg

2003        Gaida Petravis        

2004        Håkan Wihlborg

2005        Håkan Åberg

2006        Leesa Morgan        

2007        Ingela Nordholm

2008        Lisa Jahrsten

2009        Gun Sundvall            

2010        Peter Stickler

2011 Pär-Johan 


2012        Charlotta Byrne

2013        Judy Thönell

2014        Catarina Hansson

2015        Peter Thönell

2016        Sofia Martin

2017        Elisabeth Budjak

2018        Kalle Johansson

2019        Jonas Edner

2020        Lina Sandberg

2021        Ulrika Barnes 

2022 Figge Boksjö 

2023 Lynley Mainland

2024 Susanne Ottosson

Ordförande I Svenska Klubben

1973-1974     Tom Wall

1974-1975      Rune Hoffner

1975-1985      Maud Edmiston

1985-1991      Rita Lingensjö

1991-1993      Margaretha Curran

1993-1997      Marianne Viebke

1997-1998      Marie-Louise Matha

1999-1999       Bengt Thaung

1999-2001      Håkan Wihlborg

2001-2003      Elisabeth Budjak

2003-2005       Charlotta Byrne

2005-2008 Lisa Jahrsten

2008-2010       Sara Eriksson

2010-2011       Lotta Lindblad

2011-2013 Peter Thönell

2013-2018      Jonas Edner        

2018-2019      Figge Boksjö

2019-2020      Peter Thönell

2020        Linda Pattullo


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